What Mack Brush says about their product...
These have synthetic bristles and can be used with 1-shot, acrylics, oils, and any other paint you can dream up... trust me, I have tried it.
♦ 1. MULLET - Long bristles, 1/4 flat that is Great for lettering, filling, etc... (Series #M/T - Mullet)
♦ 2. SCRUBBY - Short bristles, 1/4 flat blender and all around useful brush. (Series #M/T - Scrubby)
♦ 3. SCRIPTY - Long bristles, square lettering brush with a million uses. (Series #M/T - Scripty)
♦ 4. PICK UP LINE - Long sharp bristles, this is an Amazing outliner. (Series #M/T - Pick Up Line)
♦ 5. POINTY - Super fine detail brush and outliner... I use it for everything. (Series #M/T - Pointy)
♦ 6. STUBBY- This is basically a #2 round with infinite uses. (Series #M/T - Stubby)
This set is basically all of the brushes missing from my last 2 brush sets. I am always finding a reason to add brushes to my box and these took me almost 2 years to develop and perfect...
not to mention that they are FLORESCENT PINK!